
haec olim meminisse iuvabit

eventually i'll make an actual neat blog hosted on my neocities site. not anytime soon, because idk jack shit about coding or html or anything yet. but i'm slowly learning. im pretty drunk. drunker than i'd like to admit. drunker than i thought. drunk enough to want to play sonic adventure but also too drunk to want to go upstairs and get the controller.

i don't have to work until the afternoon tomorrow so i'm not particularly worried about being hungover. i should be drinking a bit more water, however. i have a Matryoshka doll from when i was younger, but i don't remember who gave it to me. i used to remember a lot more. maybe it's the pot and booze, or maybe i just stopped caring at some point.

maybe both.

we get to have a listening party tonight in the discord of my favourite artist. i can't believe it's only seven right now. i worked all day, so i guess it's understandable.

i got my mum hooked on white russians and now it's all she wants me to do for her haha. i can't say i blame her. what a great invention. she bought a printer for her decoupage today. i can't believe how excited she is about it. i printed out some stuff for the family altar and my personal altar too. it's got some great colour.

man this is such mundane shit. but i kind of just need to type sometimes.

i'm getting a bit too lit to type tho. so. maybe time to sign off. for now, anyway.

wait. one more thing. i've been thinking a lot about the decorations and books and supplies for my future ESL classroom. it keeps me going, even when school fuckin suuuuucks. i'm gonna get to teach a whole bunch of kids, just like Mr. Chips, and see the world while i'm doing it. i'm so blessed that the Gods have brought me to where i am today, and i can't wait to see all the places They take me.