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when people from around here say they wanna go "up north," they're talking, like, a couple hours north. eight to ten hours, tops. and like, that is north, don't get me wrong. i mean, obviously it is... it's literally.... north of here.... anyways, that's not what i mean, you know?

i don't even know why. i hate the snow, i hate the cold, and most things i love about my country are incredibly dampened when contrasted with our horrible climate. but i dunno. i think about the territories constantly. i just need to spend a couple months in yellowknife. it probably won't be exactly like being on an episode of north of 60 like i'm imagining in my mind. hell, it's not like it will cure my depression or any of my other mental maladies. but it'll give me that sense of adventure i've been craving in a land nobody else goes to. who the hell goes that far north? who goes on vacation to yellowknife of all places? or whitehorse? i guess whitehorse or iqaluit would be awesome too, but something about yellowknife is just... where i wanna go right now.

that'll probably change, of course. it's not thailand, vietnam or taiwan like my dreams. but in lieu of being able to cross the ocean right now, it's an idea i'd like to toy with.

now i guess i should probably get my shower and head to work. i have so much to do today and zero motivation to do it. as usual. thankfully, i can probably blast this medieval history quiz out pretty quickly once i get home. alright, here we go.